Longmont, CO 80503 (720) 794-3591

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Painting Tips for Small Rooms to Make Them Feel Larger

When it comes to creating the illusion of a larger room, interior painting is a savvy decorator’s best friend. The right colors and techniques can transform a cramped space into one that feels more open and welcoming. Whether you’re dealing with a small bedroom, living room, or home office, these tips from your quality painting service provider are sure to make an impact:

Mirroring Light for Expansiveness

Pale palettes reflect light, making rooms feel airier and larger. Consider hues like soft whites, creams, or light blues and greens for your walls. Running with a monochromatic color scheme where walls match the trim can blur boundaries, suggesting a more expansive space. For a touch of drama without closing in on the room, try painting an accent wall with a slightly deeper shade than those of the other walls.

High Ceilings with Colorful Illusions

Drawing eyes upward gives the impression of height. You can achieve this visual trickery by choosing lighter colors for walls and saving darker hues for flooring or lower furniture pieces. When it comes to the ceiling, opt for shades cooler or lighter than your walls; this technique invites the ceiling to recede visually, offering the sensation of loftiness. If you’re bold enough for stripes, vertical patterns on one wall could further enhance perceptions of extended vertical space.

Finishing Touches That Open Spaces

To complement your new paint job, focus on reducing clutter which tends to close off small spaces. Adding mirrors strategically across from windows will also double natural light and give an illusion of depth. When all is painted and positioned well, ensure you have adequate lighting. This can significantly influence how big a room feels.

For a quality painting service in Longmont, CO, you won’t go wrong in placing your trust in the reliable professionals at Diaz De Leon Painting. If you have questions about our services, just call (720) 794-3591!

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